Dynamic Possibilities
Mae Udarbe
Dynamic Possibilities is an interactive project concept that can be implemented digitally using a desktop browser and keyboard or in a live performance setting with audience involvement. Based on the idea of an interactive album, Dynamic Possibilities focuses on audience engagement and creating a unique musical experience for each individual.

The Project
Each letter of the alphabet has a musical loop idea with three variations. These ideas are categorised into three sections, where the vowels make up the percussion and the consonants alternate to make up melodic lines and sound design elements. The musical loops are at different lengths and do not begin together. Each letter is mapped to the keys of a computer keyboard through JavaScript coding. A randomisation code has been written into the script so that a different variation is called upon every time you press a key. This function allows you to experience a name, word and/or sentence differently each time.
There are a few different ways to interact with Dynamic Possibilities. Browser interaction would be the most common form of realising this project. This will yield a distinctive musical result based on the number of vowels and consonants for the chosen name, word or sentence, along with the typing speed of the individual. The variations are at different volume levels which allows each musical idea to be introduced with a balance in the overall sound. The duration of the musical ideas vary depending on player interaction. The computer keyboard can be used as an instrument and the musical results could act as an underlying accompaniment for a live instrument to improvise over. The player could do so by following the pulse of the rhythm and timing their letter inputs or not timing their letter inputs and listening to the outcome.
Interact with Dynamic Possibilities below
ONLY Available on a desktop browser (Firefox and Google Chrome).
Mae Udarbe
Mae Udarbe
with guidance from Vincent Giles
Special thanks to:
Vincent Giles and Meghann O’Neill