Violin Lessons
Ongoing Weekly Lessons
$35 per 30 minute lesson
$50 per 45 minute lesson
$60 per 60 minute lesson
Fees payable in advance each term with the option of a payment plan.
Lessons are conducted on a weekly basis at an agreed time during the school term.
Trial Lessons
$35 per 30 minute lesson
Fees payable on the day.
What does my trial lesson entail?
An introduction to the studio set ups.
A check of your violin set up and positioning finger stickers if required.
Foundational learning materials that suit your goals.
A tailored lesson plan.
Addressing any music related questions.
What do I bring to my lesson(s)?
Your violin.
Any related learning materials.
What do my lesson fees cover?
Individual tailored instruction.
Additional learning materials.
Equipment costs.
Printing costs.
Administration costs.
Email and phone correspondences.
What if I miss a lesson?
Any lesson(s) missed by the student without 48 hours advanced notice given will be regarded as forfeited by the student. The student will not receive a refund for that lesson.
Any lesson(s) cancelled by the instructor will be rescheduled or credited towards the payment of your next lessons.