Singing Lessons
Ongoing Weekly Lessons
$38 per 30 minute lesson
$53 per 45 minute lesson
$63 per 60 minute lesson
Fees payable in advance each term with the option of a payment plan.
Lessons are conducted on a weekly basis at an agreed time during the school term.
Casual Lessons
$40 per 30 minute lesson
$70 per 60 minute lesson
Fees payable in advance on a one-off basis.
Trial Lessons
$38 per 30 minute lesson
Fees payable on the day.
What is a casual lesson?
A session that prepares students for auditions, VCE examinations and live performances.
What does my trial lesson entail?
An introduction to the studio set ups.
A vocal range test.
Foundational learning materials that suit your goals.
A tailored lesson plan.
Addressing any music related questions.
What do I bring to my first ongoing lesson?
Come prepared with a comfortable song of your choice.
A drink bottle.
What do my lesson fees cover?
Individual tailored instruction.
Equipment costs.
Printing costs.
Administration costs.
Email and phone correspondences.
What if I miss a lesson?
Any lesson(s) missed by the student without 48 hours advanced notice given will be regarded as forfeited by the student. The student will not receive a refund for that lesson.
Any lesson(s) cancelled by the instructor will be rescheduled or credited towards the payment of your next lessons.